Costco is so clutch. Only twenty bucks for 2 lbs of rare sirloin

by ZadarskiDrake


  1. Few-Variety2842

    It’s a good product. However I remembered it was 1lb per package not 2lb?

  2. Apprehensive-Sail815

    $10 per pound of sirloin is not a good deal

  3. Groove4Him

    I’ve cooked this several times. It’s pre cooked and you just have to quickly heat the slices in a pan. It was VERY salty but good.

  4. AdditionalFish6355

    What a great find! Truly “rare” indeed.

  5. Hot_Lengthiness_3462

    Half the enjoyment is preparing it and grilling it

  6. Rippin_Fat_Farts

    This is not a good deal and you can make it yourself better in about the same time it takes to cook this. Plus this is loaded with sodium and other preservatives. Hard pass.

  7. exprssve

    If I can’t see the meat on the inside, I’m not trusting it looks anything like the packaging. I’d rather make my own tbh.

  8. OptimalOcto485

    Brother this is not the deal you think it is lol

  9. dus10whoo

    I’ve had this before. It tastes okay. After you reheat it according to the package, it’s definitely not medium rare anymore

  10. T-Bone22

    It’s good meat but there are better options since at that price point

  11. Z0idberg_MD

    I get ribeye on sale in Northeast US for like seven or eight dollars a pound. T-bones and porterhouses on sale are 599 to 699 a pound. I would not be happy with $10 a pound sirloin

  12. lucidproxy1

    I usually just eat this cold and throw it on a salad, maybe not the best thing ever /price but pretty convenient

  13. egbert71

    You do Dr. It up or you raw dogging it right out of the pack?

  14. RopeDifficult9198

    you can get 16OZ prime ribeye for 17-18 a lb i dont know if thats a good deal.

  15. MechaStarmer

    $20 for microwave steak. wow that’s a steal

  16. BassweightVibes

    Pre cooked steak that you heat up in the microwave? No thanks lol.

    Edit: And it’s grass fed too. Double yuck.

  17. richardfitserwell

    I buy it often for sandwiches, it’s no more than deli meat and definitely better

  18. Garbagemeatstick2

    Grass fed still means they locked in a cage and fed grass instead of grain. Just something I learned couple days ago. Thought I should share.

  19. BClashman

    This thread is going to be polite and civil towards OP.

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