Smoked then Fried Wings in Los Angeles. We went for the brisket but the wings stole the show. ($1 Wings)
The place is called whiskey flats bbq in Los angels near San Pedro. Sauce on the side kept the crispy wing texture, can highly recommend this place.
by daaftpunk
Smoked and fried sound like a dream. They look delicious!
Shoulda left that brisket there but those wings look fire.
I woulda gotten 50 wings damn those look good
If they are smoked right, they don’t need to be fried. I bet they were good though.
I have a spot near me that does the same near Niagara Falls. Romby’s. They’re very tasty and have been apprehensive to try it at home.
Was the brisket dry?
Smoke then fried wings are great, especially for smokers that can’t get super high heat. I had an electric smoker where it wouldn’t go above 275 degrees. The skin would never get crispy as a result but frying them after was a game changer.
Those look really great and the fact they’re only a $1 per wing in this economy would make me expect a much worse wing than those. They look noticeably better than the brisket quite frankly.
Smoked and fried sound like a dream. They look delicious!
Shoulda left that brisket there but those wings look fire.
I woulda gotten 50 wings damn those look good
If they are smoked right, they don’t need to be fried. I bet they were good though.
I have a spot near me that does the same near Niagara Falls. Romby’s. They’re very tasty and have been apprehensive to try it at home.
Was the brisket dry?
Smoke then fried wings are great, especially for smokers that can’t get super high heat. I had an electric smoker where it wouldn’t go above 275 degrees. The skin would never get crispy as a result but frying them after was a game changer.
Those look really great and the fact they’re only a $1 per wing in this economy would make me expect a much worse wing than those. They look noticeably better than the brisket quite frankly.