Threw some skewers of onion on top because I forgot to put it into the tinfoil.
I did a really fine chiffonade on the basil, and used itty-bitty scissors to cut up the rosemary in 1 mm bits
I maxed out the surface area of these three nice aromatics and got to experience three very different types of chicken.
Basil version was smoother and less abrasive than rosemary. It was… Forgiving. That kinda… licorice echo in basil is like smoking a menthol.
Oregano was not fresh. It was dried and concentrated, super delicious…
…But I don't think balsamic and oregano are supposed to play together.
I could grow some fresh Greek oregano and try it… might have a different result. But it felt like… a mispairing.
The rosemary was so potent from my garden. Iconic with the vinegar and garlic.
If I was running a restaurant …
I would serve a pair of skewers on your left and a pair of skewers on your right … half done with basil; half done with rosemary
and literally tell people to “take one bite of each at a time, liberally with water”
I learned a lot.
Rosemary is classic; basil is acceptable; oregano has no place with balsamic vinegar.
by RadagastDaGreen
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