I have 3 jalapeño plants. I’m definitely pushing it because the season is pretty much over, so im wondering if this has anything to do with why the peppers are turning black? It’s only happening on one of the plants.

by OxGshxo


  1. Some of my jalapenos naturally turn purple-black before they ripen to red, that’s probably what’s happening here.

  2. yello5drink

    I had this last year with my very productive jalapeño plants. I looked in to it and what I found was that the overnight temperatures getting low caused them to ripen black rather than red. This year i had several turn red but a couple on the outer edge of the plant turned partially black, while the ones that were inside towards the tomatoes presumably stayed warmer and did not turn blank at all and were nice bright red.


  3. Thunder_Dan

    We get these on our jalapenos that aren’t sheltered from direct sunlight by their canopy. I don’t think it’s a temp thing but maybe that is another cause. We have gotten them all growing season. This year was my first year trying to grow them from seed and they got burned by my grow lights and started out pretty sad. Not much foliage before fruit started setting.

  4. I have them turning red, black, and tones of purple. My peppers outdid themselves this year!

  5. Numerous-Profile-872

    Purples start turning green when roasted, so just FYI!

  6. Alustrious

    It’s the plants natural sunscreen. You’ll probably notice slightly less coloring towards where the fruits shaded. Nothing bad, just a sign the fruits getting direct sunlight. If the skin breaks in places, its too much sun and will “sunscald.”

  7. Certain_Bit117

    Mine get sunburnt like this. Any peppers directly exposed get black on that side

  8. Winkerbelles

    They turn that color before they turn red. Totally normal.

  9. Hmm… Curious.

    Did you buy chance see the girls walk by dressed in their summer clothes?

  10. bitstoatoms

    That’s anthocyanin, pigment produced in various fruits and flowers. It’s purple, just jo dense, that looks like black. It’s an antioxidant and acts as a UV screening to prevent chlorophyll from breaking down.


    That’s my favorite time to eat them in cooking. Green for canning, and red for drying

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