We did end up getting hit with the hurricane. It made landfall 20 miles away, and we ended up in the eye of the hurricane &in the bands for about 7-8 hours. The house shook & the wind howled.. we have no power so we grilled in the dark tonight. Everything in the fridge is going to rot but we’re ok.

by Barbecuequeen23


  1. Barbecuequeen23

    So sorry if the wings are burnt I waited til it was too late and cooked them in pitch black with a phone flashlight haha

  2. Barbecuequeen23

    Tonight we made chicken wings on the blackstone with bbq sauce. My mom seasoned them and I cooked them mostly but we did it together.

    Yesterday right before the storm hit I cooked up some bacon, eggs, and sausage tor us to eat. We are praying for some power soon, mainly to save what’s left of our food as it is stressful to start over in the deep freezer. We’re really grateful that we are okay.

  3. ttrockwood

    Glad you’re safe there, what a scary situation

  4. Aubrie94

    Looks great, I’m here in Tampa with no power and I understand. It’s best we all are safe.

  5. Comfort food during tough weather is a must.

  6. glenthecomputerguy

    Happy for you being okay & doing what you can to make the best of your situation. πŸ€—πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ™

  7. Practical_Pie_3098

    Glad you an your family is safe, I have family and friends that live in Florida they are safe also πŸ™‚

  8. BoxyBrown424

    Nothing wrong with some char. Glad you and your family are safe.

  9. LookingBackBroken

    So glad you’re safe, OP. The wings look great, bet they taste amazing in the company of those you hold dear ✨️

  10. copperboominfinity

    Glad you are okay!! ❀️

  11. ligaya_kobayashi

    *huuuuuuuuuuugs* β€οΈπŸ™πŸ½πŸ™πŸ½πŸ™πŸ½πŸ™πŸ½

  12. thesteveurkel

    invite the neighbors over and keep grilling until there’s nothing left to rot. glad you’re okay, op.Β 

  13. lordofly

    It’s not gonna rot if you EAT it! Or give it away!

  14. this has to be up there with the most privileged first world country post ever, less the paper plate.

    i’m eagerly awaiting your next post –
    β€œmy freezer is so full, it won’t shut!”

  15. Sir-Fuzzy-Marinara

    We went through Hurricane Milton last night too. This one was scary and we were farther north. Glad you made it through safely. πŸ™

  16. BulkyThing1363

    The chicken looks delicious. And the rest of it too! Perfect meal 😍

  17. Downtown_Ice_3745


  18. crunch816

    That was one of the fun parts when we got hit with tornados in 2011. We just started cooking everything.

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