I’m a grown up so I’m allowed nachos for dinner!

by Aggressive_Form7470


  1. Damn, I wish 10 tortilla chips with toppings was enough to satisfy me for dinner

  2. Wily_Giraffe

    You’re also allowed to eat dessert first if you want to! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)

  3. Feisty-Bluebird-5277

    So is that the appetiser lol I usually have to play jenga when I make nachos, gotta fit all the goodness on one plate!


    I just watched my favorite football team get murdered but before the game I made a grilled cheese and a can of soup. I’m nearly 40. There’s nothing wrong with this

  5. Glass_Operation_4762

    You’re a grown up, you can have nachos for breakfast!

  6. RavagedChef

    But those “nachos” look like they were made by a broke 10 year old

  7. CockbagSpink

    Always a good option, especially with some asada on there.

  8. chandler-bingaling

    hecka yes you are!!

    i do this a lot when I am lazy after work

  9. Objective-Town5693

    Looks like a 5 year old’s child dish, “ iM a gRoW uP “

  10. AfterBill8630

    I’m an adult and I had honey nut Cheerios for dinner because it’s my house and I’m paying the God damn bills!

  11. Dependent-Law7316

    Excuse me, this is a *deconstructed taco*. Obviously a commentary on the inevitable decay or traditional cultural foods as those cultures are absorbed and adopted by others. Very mature. Very sophisticated. So adult. /s

  12. WorldlyLavishness

    Hey nachos are great! It’s one of my “I’m too fuckin tired and can’t think ” meals

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