As a novice gardener I sprouted and grew some spaghetti squash seeds from a squash I bought from the grocery store just to see what would happen. It was growing beautifully but suddenly died. It was so odd I wondered if the seeds were bred to allow them to sprout and blossom but not make fruit? I know seed technology has grown a lot but I’m not sure if it’s that precise.
Of course, the simpler explanation is I just goofed somehow. It was my first time growing from rescued seeds and it was an annoying experience. If I’m suffering from seed paranoia please disabuse me from it.
by PlahausBamBam
Forgot to mention my location, Atlanta, Georgia
No, seeds from any grocery store squash will produce viable fruit — there’s nothing that would prevent that. How exactly did it die? It may have been something as simple as a pest like squash vine borers killing it.
Squash vine borer and squash bugs killed it
Thankfully they’re not THAT bioengineered. Something happened with your process, a picture of the dead plant would be beneficial.
Probably was a squash vine borer. Look if there are any brown spots with sawdust like debris! It’s always a learning lesson
I had to rip mine out, after it was flourishing very well, then suddenly started wilting, I inspected it and saw a sawdust like substance, and opened the vine up to see a POS maggot like thing, and I panicked and ripped it out, later to find out it was squash vine borers!
Squash borers are absolutely horrible