made at a sandwich shop called The Poet of Sandwiches🤤

by PetroniusKing


  1. velvet_betty

    Cuban-approved passport, sandwich-denied entry. 🌎🥪🚫

  2. bedbugsandballyhoo

    My favorite Cuban sandwich ever was made by a place called Little John’s in Key West. It no longer exists, sadly. But it looked a lot like this. Lettuce, tomato, and mustard-mayo. Maybe it’s not the traditional way but man, it was delicious.

  3. Cyberfreshman

    This is a Cuban in the same way a melt is a grilled cheese. That being said, I’d still eat it.

  4. f1lth4f1lth

    This is awful. I hope they’re disappointed in themselves.

  5. My-Lizard-Eyes

    Sandwich purists are losing it! Looks good to me.

    Honestly, Cubanos are not a perfect sandwich in my opinion. Traditionally served with just yellow mustard is lame – they are 100% better with some Chipotle aioli or at least some mayo.

  6. Initial-Fishing4236

    This is not a Cuban or a riff on a Cuban 

  7. Twat_Pocket

    I’m not a sandwich purist… but if I ordered a Cuban and this is what I received, I would not be happy.

    It just looks like a Jimmy John’s sandwich (which is fine if that’s what I want, but not if I want a Cuban.)

  8. lunarmodule

    Do you have a link for this shop? I tried to Google but stuck out. Curious what else they do.


    Everytime I order a Cuban and its not a Cuban it makes me sad. Don’t riff on good sandwiches.

  10. Hot_Routine7505

    I don’t think you can even call that Cuban adjacent at that point.

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