Does anyone know this wine? It’s from my birth year, and I want to try it around Christmas.

by onwinter


  1. docsavaged

    Best you can do is expect it to be dead, and hope there’s a bit of fruit remaining. Where has it been stored for the past 32 years?

  2. AromaticStruggle

    Not familiar with it, but it is likely past its prime. 1990 is a great year in Bordeaux, though so keep your eyes open out there.

  3. animalmom2

    Village bordeaux good year, but will likely not be ok given it will almost certainly not have been stored well

  4. sercialinho

    I can’t see the first post code properly (33210 fits the SE end of Graves appellation), but I see the second is Beaune and its surroundings. Andre Ziltener operated a hotel and restaurant in that area as well as a not-so-great negociant (wine trade) company.

    So this is either a private label as a house wine for his restaurant or Bordeaux (red, ordinary) for of his negociant business. Either way, not a great wine in any way. Might be fine, might be surprisingly good, most likely past it — and I am saying that as someone who loves very mature Bordeaux.

  5. Martinsimonnet

    I would plan for a backup bottle as this is (i) very entry level Graves (ii) that I imagine has not been stored extremely well.

    I’ve had cheap 1989 generic Bordeaux which had no business being still as good as it was, so this could surprise you and be quite pleasant!

    But to avoid disappointment, I’d prepare for the more than likely possibility that it will be well past its prime, and that you might need to open your backup.

    Please report back once you’ve tried it!

  6. BroodjeHaring

    You might be pleasantly surprised. But i wouldn’t expect much of anything. Best case, it tastes ok. worst case…you’ve got vinegar for Xmas.

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