Got a bottle of this nonsense. It surprised me since there was very little “tongue heat”. My poop the next morning was painful though.

by gigamosh57


  1. Cyclopshikes

    Why the fuck does every post here talk about shit? Am I subbed to a spicy food reddit or r/scat? 

  2. BigBoy1229

    I’ve never had issues with spicy foods affecting anything other than my mouth with heat. Not my fingers/skin, stomach or pooper. And I’ve had some seriously spicy things including straight up ghost peppers.

  3. SoldatPixel

    Silly person. This sauce is meant to be ingested via intero-rectogestion (in butt and excreted by mouth)

  4. DiabolicRevenant

    Unironically, one of the best hot sauces I’ve ever tried. Not nearly as spicy as you would expect and has really good flavor.

  5. “Spicy thing goes in, spicy thing goes out”

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