Sirloin peppers onions spices. Then a tomato sauce. Served over pasta

by Ignorance_15_Bliss


  1. Bachness_monster

    Doesn’t sound like a situation, that’s a set up! Looks great! Scrub your grate tho man, it’s like a cake with too much icing

  2. Troitbum22

    Love a good situation update. I need to do more CI on my egg. Am usually too lazy and toss it on the stove.

  3. socalryan

    Those grates look like they’ve never been cleaned

  4. FlickerOfBean

    Got a situation on those grates for sure.

  5. Gloomy-Employment-72

    So, things are good? Beer salute!

  6. sk8ingjgl

    How does that grate cake not start just flaking off


    Do you guys cook like this because you don’t like getting the kitchen dirty? Or is it just pictures for the gram? Because our don’t see any benefits to cooking this on the egg over just turning on the stove.

  8. Informal_Jeweler2795

    I am sauté veggies all the time. Like seeing that. The smoke just from the lump is a nice flavor. Just purchased another 12” cast iron with the two shorty handles for this purpose. I’m always brushing the cook off my grates and keeping them seasoned clean. I see a lot of pictures on here like this one. Always thinking, clean that grate.

  9. Electrical_Bit_8580

    Looks like a good situation to be in!

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