I don’t know why I tend to go for such time consuming recipes! I guess it’s all worth the outcome. These were delicious!

by Efficient_Promise729


  1. Callmekaare

    This is really impressive! Well done they’re beautiful!

  2. okay….. this. is. so. cute. I LOVEE!!! you did such a spectacular job wow

  3. Curious_Koala_312

    Great cookies! In some cultures, these cookies are great for birthdays.

  4. Quirky_Ad6642

    Oh wow these are adorable! Can you share the recipe? Have you got plans for other fruit cookies? Would love to see more! X

  5. Those are the best freaking cookies ever! I usually buy a dozen from a local baker, and my family knows I don’t share. Those are Mom’s cookies only!! LOL

  6. Familiar_History_429

    People use to make these for weddings all the time when I was younger – haven’t seen them in a while!! They look great!!

  7. These are on my cookie bucket list, so beautiful!

  8. sugarbear2071

    I love these cookies so much! I’ve only gotten them at Italian bakeries. I have a recipe but I haven’t tried it yet. Yours look perfectly delicious!

  9. CathycatOG

    They’re gorgeous! A feast for the eyes.

  10. _justforamin_

    Adorable! Reminds me of my childhood! Loved them as a kid

  11. Outside_Swim6747

    Looks delicious! Also a little bit X rated!😏

  12. ExcellentFile6712

    They’re so cute! They looks yummy as well ☺️

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