I am having some nice prawns and "ensaladilla rusa" (an Spanish dish made with potatoes, tuna, mayonnaise and other vegetables)

by Cjrives


  1. EuropeEatsBot

    Congratulations on your achievement!

    With your 5th post on r/EuropeEats, you are well on your way to establishing yourself as a regular in this sub. This shall be made public to the world by adding the corresponding Roman numeral 🆅 to your user flair.

    I’m glad that you are a part of our little community!

    Allow me to comment about my observation: I can tell there’s some thought behind your username, and I appreciate it. It’s a good trait to not simply accept what a machine suggests to you. I mean, everybody including me could come up with a random combination like Basic-Base-3328. You however! Well done! 🏷

    _I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. If you like it I’m happy._

  2. Gulliveig

    It’s also *Russischer Salat* in German, but I’m pretty sure that the demonym is different for quite many countries.

    Anyway, looks pretty, I’m sure you enjoyed it 🙂

  3. Prudent-Ad4075

    Me comía un par de bandejas como esa ahora mismo jajaja

  4. Oh wahoooo! That seems so delicious 😋. Cheers et bon appétit!

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