Tagliatelle with Ragu alla Bolognese, cooked low and slow ~

by SorryTelling


  1. SorryTelling

    Since the bot is asking me to, here is a quick recipe:
    500g Beef mince (skirt pref.), 200g tomato pulp, 1 onion, 1 large carrot, 2 stalks of celery, 3 tbsp olive oil, salt, pepper, 1 tbsp tomato concentrate, 1 glass of wine

    finely dice carrot, onion and celery, fry up in olive oil until fragrant, add beef and fry until browned, add wine, scrape bottom, wait for wine to mostly evaporate, add tomato concentrate, add tomato pulp, stir, and let simmer on low heat for 3-4 hours, stirring ever so often.
    If it gets too dry, add in some veggie stock.

    To serve, add the sauce with a little bit of oil into a hot pan, add pasta water, emulsify, add in the pasta, stir vigorously, serve.

  2. poetic_infertile

    I can taste this! It looks so good, great job OP.

  3. frettbe

    Slow and low, that is the tempo
    Let it flow, let yourself go

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