Honestly wasn't bad either, would cook again.

by TeepingDad


  1. AshtorMcGillis

    This is what I’m here for! Looks good

  2. Bitbatgaming

    The extra toasty might as well add extra flavour

  3. cruxtopherred

    I wanted to downvote… but then I saw children… and I can’t upvote you enough… This is a true unit of a parent here…

  4. HairSad4319

    Looks good!! Next time try throwing them on about 1 minute before the bake ends!! Should eliminate that carted cheez-it while still sticking them to the cheese lol! Looks good tho!

  5. Lost-Environment-548

    Get new kids.. Just kidding you are an awesome parent.

  6. That looks so good. Reminds of the little pizzas you can buy at the airport while waiting for your flight!

  7. lovely_DK

    Your kid is a stoner in the making.

  8. NickRubesSFW

    I want to like this, but I just can’t bring myself to hit “up”

  9. wstsdet51o

    Id crumble the cheez its before putting the real cheese on it

  10. Overall-Title-6400

    And goddammit, you obliged!! Well done!

  11. DrSilkyDelicious

    I personally would have crushed them up on top as a post bake like parm

  12. Unlikely-Guess7857

    can we make a cheeze its crust

  13. Familiar_Effective84

    Next try pizza roll Pizza

  14. SonovaVondruke

    Crumble em into the dough or on top. Doesn’t seem right to just have em there lurking in the cheese and sauce.

  15. pizaster3

    ive never thought about that before

  16. ThePepperAssassin

    Doesn’t look too bad.

    You could also try to break up the cheese-its into the dough next time.

  17. p0tty_mouth


  18. Train_Guy97

    That looks very good and very delicious as well 🙂

  19. Old-Machine-5

    I wonder if you could crush the cheese its and use them in the dough. Cheese its are best when you mash a bunch in you mouth at once. Same with gold fish.

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