Sourdough Pepperoni w Hot Honey….Eating or not?

by michaelcola


  1. herberstank

    What the heck kinda question is that? Hell yes, eating!

  2. Euphoric_Kitchen_655


  3. HistorianOpen61

    Everything looks incredible. I personally like a thinner crust but still would devour.

  4. shareaload69

    Oh yeah, that pie looks amazing! Dinner time

  5. Return_of_the_Bear

    It’s been documented with a photo, I say tuck in and enjoy. Looks brilliant

  6. Looks amazing. How do you keep the pizza from sticking to the peel before launch

  7. No-Permission-5268

    Does a priest touch little kids? Hell yeah I’m smashin!

  8. Smackolol

    The best part of this for me isn’t that it’s cooked to perfection, it’s that you used the perfect amount of toppings. I’ve been seeing so many pizzas here just swimming in toppings lately.

  9. greatersnek

    I can see the pool of oil on the top so it’s a pass for me, I’d shit myself since I’m not used to it anymore

  10. Raiders2112

    Well, I damn sure wouldn’t pass that up. That’s a nice-looking pie.

  11. Emergency-Pack-5497

    Unless someone was vegan why wouldn’t they eat this?

  12. TriviaRunnerUp

    Only question as to whether I’m eating it all in one sitting.

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