I should add, this was NOT freehand. There was an outline of the letters underneath. My name was the only thing freehand

by LeastPervertedFemboy


  1. zeitnaught

    Keep it up and pretty soon you’ll have the hands of a surgeon, chef!

  2. maple_taco

    Get outta here with your cursive and it’s musical note G 😝

    Edit: meant to say good job too. Brain got stuck on the cursive 😅

  3. Snowf1ake222

    Writing with icing is super hard. You’ve done better than I ever could!

    Keep it up!

  4. Hot_Pin_9361

    I take a deep breath and hold it. Write one word fully then exhale. It’s how I learned to shoot a rifle and it works for cakes. Takes away the little wobbles. Over all great job!

  5. Loose-Chemical-4982

    It’s good for a beginner!

    Hold the tip slightly above the surface and let the icing drop onto the outline of the letter. It looks like you are following closely with the tip on the paper and that’s why they look a little shaky.

  6. kennymo12

    Former pastry chef here, not too bad! You just need to keep practicing. Different icings will have different consistencies. It’s all about how you moderate the pressure on the piping bag.

  7. Great job! I can hardly write now since I’m constantly typing here 😭

  8. Shuttup_Heather

    Not bad! The way you hold it really helps. I hold a reservoir of icing twisted up near the tip, and have the rest being held up by my nondominant hand. Idk if that makes sense, but you use less pressure to write and it comes out less shaky!

  9. HomeOwner2023

    You did great! I can see where you started to get the shakes when you got to Q. But you recovered at U. So you’re good for anything that is 32 characters or less. Unfortunately, “Happy Birthday LeastPervertedFemboy!” is out. But that’s okay. Someone else should make your birthday cake for you.

  10. Sad_Lawyer3546

    Looks good to me. I also have to practice icing… I think icing is the hardest part in baking haha

  11. Not bad! Keep practicing and you’ll see the wobbling disappear.

  12. ReturnBright1007

    Looks like you had a shot of espresso before you did the t. Jk, though, very good overall.

  13. You’ve done a good job for a starter, I’m sure you’ll be doing it freehand before you know it.

    I really appreciate bakeries that put attention into detail like this, know of some that make amazing beautiful cakes and then they do the message like a horror movie.

  14. You’ve got a good start!

    One thing I like to have people do before they write letters is the practice with lines. You get comfortable with holding the bad, and your pressure vs. speed when piping, without having to thik about how to write a letter at the same time.

    After you master lines, try loops like eeeee in cursive, then elelelele in cursive to work on movement.

    I also tell people to start with the tip on the surface to anchor the line, then lift up to a 1/4 inch above the surface while piping, then end back on the surface. If you pipe directly on the surface you’ll see any movement your hand makes, while keeping the line elevated will keep the line cleaner.

  15. Davetta26

    You’ll get there, lines are so close 👏🏾

  16. UnplannedProofreader

    Great work.

    Holding the wrist of the hand that is holding the piping bag helps me keep from getting shaky. I only have to do that when writing.

  17. Individual_Layer_610

    I think you did great . I’m a great artist on paper , but if you hand me some icing , it’ll look like a toddler did it 😭

  18. JustAnotherFKNSheep

    Start low then lift higher. Dont worry so much about the outline and go fast. That will stop the wiggles. Youll get the font down later.

    Also practice figure 8s, basically 8888888888888 but all chained together.

  19. B0ssDrivesMeCrazy

    There’s a hint of shakiness, but I bet that’s from the fact that you were “tracing.” Hard to trace and produce smooth lines.

    Using larger, less stiff motions eliminates that. I’d suggest you start free handing with just height guidelines underneath. You’ll probably see the letters come out smoother.

  20. Queasy_Lettuce_9281

    I get a shaky hand, too, if I focus too hard. But what you can do is stabilize your non dom hand to help ease the shake of the dom.

    I like to tuck my non dom elbow in my side and take non dom hand to touch/stabilize my dom hand while writing. try it, hope this helps.

  21. VaguelyArtistic

    Does “move your arm, not your wrist” apply to icing letters?

  22. 10HungryGhosts

    It’s so good!! Now do each letter 100 times 🙂 practice makes perfect. You need to build the muscles in your hands and adjust your technique until each letter comes out perfect. Practice whole pans of As… whole pans of bs… ect.

  23. k80bakes

    Your practice sheet is already a million times better than my first few attempts! You’ve already received a ton of helpful feedback from other folks here and I know you didn’t ask, but I wanted to share what’s helped me! Take it or leave it 😆

    One bakery I worked in had me practice writing all the most common phrases on 6 and 9 inch round pans so I got used to how much room I had for writing on a real cake. Easy to scrape off and try again over and over! After a few practice rounds like that it got really easy to do. It’s hard to explain but it felt more like I was drawing than writing which weirdly freed a mental anxiety block I had haha

  24. capndelirium

    Once you finish practicing with frosting, move onto ganache!

    Best of luck to you, your work so far looks promising!

  25. WordAffectionate3251

    Wow. For a first timer, you did marvelous! I’m a retired custom cake baker! Icing for writing needs to be thinner than that which you cover the cake. If it’s too dry and stiff, you put pressure on the squeeze, and it makes your arm shake.

    Other tips here are good. Add them up and watch yourself go!!!

  26. sohcordohc

    Little shaky, practice more squeeze control and a steady hand. Once you begin don’t stop!

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