Lamb rack, Silesian dumplings, veg, jus, herbs emulsion

by chef-Stachniuk


  1. Commercial_Comfort41

    Great dish sounds wonderful. Only thing I’d say is French the lamb cut show temp. And peel the carrots.

  2. Chazegg88

    Sounds nice, try and make the Lamb a bit more center stage, show it off Chef

  3. Unclaimed_username42

    I don’t like the way the broccoli is plated to be sideways but not in the plate. I think it would look better if it wasn’t defying gravity, and if the lamb was more visible. I’m not sure I understand the label either, it would look way better without

  4. awesometown3000

    I’m sure the flavors are good but the plating and that powder stencil make this look like something served at the nicest restaurant in the town where you grandparents live

  5. lordofthedries

    French the lamb if you want to leave stem on the carrots at least clean them up this isn’t rustic it’s lazy.

  6. spacex-predator

    Great as a show pic, not the most functional dish

  7. Sharkrepellant23

    Great looking dish. Would love to see another angle of it. Something showing the rack a little more.

  8. bluedreams007

    Nice dish.

    But you gotta clean the dirt off those stems and peel the carrots.

    And please, french that rack of lamb.

    Constructive criticism aside, it’s a beautiful dish. Props.

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