When I defrosted it to eat it, I realize the texture changed drastically and was no longer going to work for my original recipe. What can I do with this tofu? Does this always happen when silken tofu is frozen or did I just freeze it for too long?
by leidance
freezing makes all tofu more meat like in texture as it draws the water out i would either cut it into slices and pan/stir fry or crumble it up like ground meat.
Make some bomb ass chicken nuggets
Wow… marinate, slice and sear and put into ramen.
Same happened to me when I wanted to blend it for some creamy sauces. I went ahead and tossed it in the blender and it came out the same.
Maybe ice cream?
Vegan Nuggets! That’s what I freeze and thawn mine for
I’ve got 6 packs of tofu on their second freeze. Hoping for a similar result!! Will probably marinade, wrap in breadcrumbs and fry, like schnitzel.
whatever the hell you want man it’s basically Earth’s edible clay
Marinade it then air fry. Simples