French onion pasta

by xynaxia


  1. EuropeEatsBot

    Congratulations on your achievement!

    With your 5th post on r/EuropeEats, you are well on your way to establishing yourself as a regular in this sub. This shall be made public to the world by adding the corresponding Roman numeral 🆅 to your user flair.

    I’m glad that you are a part of our little community!

    By the way, I want to tell you that I really like your name. It’s a good trait to not simply accept what a machine suggests to you. I mean, everybody including me could come up with a random combination like Uniform-Center_4338. You however! Well done! 🏷

    _I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. If you like it I’m happy._

  2. BamBumKiofte23

    I am intrigued. And it’s pretty! What am I looking at though?

  3. Hippodrome-1261

    I enjoy French onion soup. This looks very interesting and flavorful. Bon appetite!

  4. FantasticMrsFoxbox

    Can you share recepie please, it seems like something I would like

  5. kewpiekiki

    I’m also curious to know the recipe

  6. hansebart

    Yes, do share the recipe, please. That looks really good.

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