Girl dinner

by radbu107


  1. Que_sax23

    That’s basically what I do for lunch most days.

  2. weirdoimmunity

    6.6/10 would eat all of it. Might add a dallop of mustard

  3. Big_Acanthaceae951

    Do other people not cut the stem off of pickles??

  4. rock0head132

    With horseradish and mustard this guy wood eat

  5. ShimmeringRose20

    I think if you’ve rolled it, it wont look shitty.

  6. relocated_daffodil

    Important question, sour or sweet pickle?

  7. GentrifriesGuy

    Shart-cuterie plate!


  8. I had to do a double take. Those pickles looked like pieces of shit at first glance lol

  9. Doneifundone

    Just add some bread and it’ll be perfect

  10. Warthog_Orgy_Fart

    That looks amazing. I agree with another poster tho, needs mustard.

  11. Slydawg3

    Pickle slice wrapped in Swiss cheese with a pre cooked slice of bacon sandwich was my go to snack whenever I was feeling hungry on the line at work lol, just do what your taste buds tell ya

  12. Add Triscuits, and I’d specifically come over for this.

  13. Matix411

    This is not shitty at all I would eat 100 of these

  14. Technical_Strike_987

    This why yall PH balance be off 😂

  15. Apprehensive-Plate72



    😋 Yum

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