Here I have my A-Maze-N smoke tube and my Char-Broil alien antenna led lights (and pokey-stabby thermometer, but I assume everyone has that). I especially love the lights because they were on clearance for like 9 bucks and holy hell it is useful in the winter when it’s dark by 5:45pm, it’s paid for itself 10X over. Show me them gadgets!

by DrPenisWrinkle


  1. wbd3434

    My propane grill is cheap and flimsy so I drilled a twobafour across the back legs for stability. Feels tight as a drum now.

  2. MattieMcNasty

    My stupid $7 flashlight beanie from Amazon was the best grilling gadget I ever bought!

  3. Disastrous_Can8053

    I just throw a wood chunk directly on the grate of my gas grill. Works great, a single chunk lasts a few cooks and I can spend the money I didn’t spend on a smoke tube on more meat.

  4. ChiefBobbert

    I’m on floor and in the bathroom and feel like trash, please I need more dodads to distract my pain.

  5. flibberjibber

    Not specifically grilling – but I bought some cut-proof gloves for knife work and using a mandolin.

    Probably not completely stab and slash-proof, but it makes me feel way better when I’m prepping meat with a big shiny sharp-boi.

    Not expensive.

    Also – if you don’t have one – a mandolin. If you like coleslaw, those bad bois and whip up a fresh one in minutes. (Just get the cut-proof gloves for the love of god).

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