I typically like my steak more rare than medium rare, but this is just 🤮. What cut is this even?

I won’t be joining this guy for steak night anytime soon.

by pizzabeercode


  1. angelaistheboss

    he finna be chewing for a long ass time but it’s his choice

  2. LiteratureStrong2716

    He must like chewing a lot. Lol

  3. lampstaple

    The paper plate is the piece de resistance

  4. Mad_Martigan2023

    “I got worms.” Excuse me? We’re gonna specialize in selling worm farms…

  5. Ryanisreallame

    Yeah I can’t get into blue, but to each their own I guess. Those potatoes look like shit, though.

  6. Firm_Ordinary_6907

    Bro about to have a chiseled jawline

  7. millerjpm3

    This guy will be chewing on that raw fat all night

  8. mmmellowcorn

    I can tell from that plate he also probably doesn’t drink much water

  9. canefin

    That paper plate don’t stand a chance against the kind of intense sawing hes fixing to do

  10. robo-dragon

    Why even cook it at all if they want it that raw?

  11. Former_Guarantee_344

    How does it look so comically dry

  12. Outrageous-Grape-122

    Hopefully there’s no, Tapeworms

  13. JazzlikeJackfruit372

    What in the actual fuck is that abomination..

  14. kinkysubt

    I’m a fan of it being at least warm in the middle. Did the friend bother to season it?

  15. divideby0000

    I mean what’s the old addage? Garbage in ……I forget.

  16. Downtown-Custard5346

    Looking at the plate, he washed this down with Mountain Dew, didn’t he?

  17. Beanbag81

    Looks like a baseball cut sirloin. Tough cut to cook. You have to get it super hot.

    Only cut I’ve ever sent back.

  18. Riseonfire

    I won’t hate on the potatoes, cause we’ve all been there.

    That steak is cooked for a bear.

  19. Stinkydadman

    Excuse me waiter, I said I wanted this rare. Take this well done garbage away from me.

  20. isittakenor

    Undercooked steak with powder mashed potatoes on a paper plate…

  21. Life-Dragonfruit4171

    That’s not two seconds. That’s a rather normal rare.

  22. No-One9890

    Honestly, at that point just shave the edges off and salt it. Why dirty the pan?

  23. AdSignificant6673

    I used to love raw beef. Then i discovered perfectly cooked medium rare.

  24. Ultraquist

    I mean you only need to sear the surface for safety rest is for taste. But something this raw it would have to be sirloin. Any meat with fat needs to be at least medium rare

  25. AuthorAlexStanley

    My dad cooks steaks like that. I nuke them for a minute or so after he’s done because I’m not getting food poisoning from that crap. I already got enough intestinal problems.

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