This was a very good meal. Points off for difficulty and time to make. Wasn’t beyond my skills or anything, I just had to use many dishes including a grater. It also made 5 decent servings when we pay for 2. Highly recommend.

by CommercialLimit


  1. Irish_eyes27

    We just had the same meal last night. To save on dishes I just used the same pot to boil the noodles and make my sauce in. I also didn’t add the zucchini because my daughter and I hate it while my husband is impartial. It was so good! I loved the ricotta dollops in the middle and it was so close to being like a lasagna.

  2. emrocar

    Yes! Finally we had some leftovers to take to work the next day.

  3. AGirlNamedRoni

    This looks like something I would love and I hated it. I don’t know why. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I’m glad I tried it, though. You win some, you lose some.

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