Pure, dry aged bliss, grilled over almond wood. Paired with an excellent Red in a beautiful location. Makes you forget the world is burning for a few short hours…

by dannydonatello


  1. PrincessConcert46

    Thatt steak looks like perfection and delicious!! Dry aging really brings out the flavor

  2. Chance-Fun-3169

    It took you hours to eat this? 5 min tops for me

  3. bingold49

    The 2nd picture looks like the thing they hung on Fred Flintstone’s car that made it tip over

  4. LeadingGuide693

    Where is this?? I’ll travel just for the butter

  5. SirHarvwellMcDervwel

    that picture of the table with glass and the window is beautiful. You’re a talented photographer.(:

  6. Green-Cardiologist27

    Why the secrecy, OP? Where were you? Spain or Italy?

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