Missing a cap for the rocky and a portafilter but I think I did pretty well for $22.00 all together.

Found at the Goodwill in Scarborough, Maine.



  1. carsononline

    That’s worth the $20 you spent on it. I’ll give you $25. 🤣

  2. big-boss-bass

    This has got to be a joke at this point. The internet ruined Goodwill finds; they literally have an internal guide to identifying potential high-ticket items, and even identify brands that are not to be placed on the retail floor and instead sent to sell e-commerce. It also gives instructions on identifying items of unknown value in order to prevent these kinds of deals.

  3. Vizguy1

    With that kind of luck, you need to buy a lotto ticket right now!

  4. TheFuckingHippoGuy

    Have you ran the Silva to see if it at least looks ok coming out of the shower screen?

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