Tortiglioni with Pecorino fondue and sausage

by orcodito


  1. orcodito

    Recipe (for 3 people):

    First of all cook the sausage in a pan with a very little round of oil until it has a nice crust, then pour some white wine in and let it evaporate completely.

    Put 15 grams of butter in a saucepan (idk if it’s the correct translation of “pentolino), let it melt, add 15 grams of all purpose flour and mix strongly with a kitchen whisk, then add slowly 150ml of milk and keep mixing until the sauce will become a proper cream.

    Congrats, you have just prepared the most important sauce in cuisine: Besciamella! (No need to put nutmeg or salt in this one tho)

    Then add some grated pecorino and keep mixing it with the whisk, here’s ur pecorino fondue.

    Cook your tortiglioni until they’re very al dente, remove the sausage from its pan, add some pasta water and some black pepper in it, let it boil and then add tortiglioni.

    Pour in more pasta water when needed until they’re fully cooked. (Watch out from leaving too much pasta water in the pan)

    Turn off the cookers, add pecorino fondue to tortiglioni, a little of butter, more grated pecorino and start mixing it until you notice the nice cream.

    At that point add more black pepper and mix it once again for a few secs, and there u go!

    If u want more recipes considering following me on my ig: @averageitaliancheff ❤️

  2. flouronmypjs

    That looks awesome. I only recently discovered tortiglioni and it’s a great pasta shape to work with.

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