Hands down , PG clucks has the best fried chicken sandwich in Toronto

by roy2345


  1. It’s trillion times better than overrated franchise places like Chick-fil-A and Popeyes

  2. sledgehammer_77

    Roywood’s would like to have a word with you

  3. BBQallyear

    They are great! I love their regular spicy sandwich, but also just tried their Big Cluck, which is like a Big Mac but with two large pieces of fried chicken in it, and it’s amazing.

  4. roenthomas

    I agree.

    I prefer it over Chica’s and Chen Chen’s.

  5. McKnitwear

    Oh man, this has been a topic of great debate within my friend group. PG Clucks is fantastic, and definitely up there as one of the greats in my book. There are in my opinion a few competitors to it that might be as good or better. I think Chen Chens has crispier chicken, and I prefer their sauce to PG clucks. Heartbreak chef has massive portions of chicken in their sandwiches (damn near double Clucks in my experience), and amazing slaw / sauce on the sandwich. But their bun to chicken ratio is all off. Their tater tots are pretty bomb though.

    Chicas is delicious, Tokyo fried chicken has some of that GOOD GOOD sticky sweet fried chicken that I cannot get enough of. Dirty Bird chicken and waffles has one of the best hangover foods known to man. Chicken and friggin waffles. Anyway, I digress. I’m Just here to say that I don’t have a clear cut favourite and this city has a wonderful fried chicken scene. We are truly blessed.

    During the pandemic, it seemed like so many places around me shut down and my area (West end) turned into weed shops and fried chicken places. Not the worst thing to get you through the pandemic, that’s for sure.

  6. PewpyDewpdyPantz

    Agreed. Not only is it delicious but it’s cheaper than most places.

  7. ObviouslyAmer

    Will have to try it. The top one for me now is definitely Juicy Birds!

  8. Open-Cream2821

    Your dog looks pretty interested in the sandwich too

  9. These_Tumbleweed4885

    I thought union chicken was good a long while ago when I tried it

  10. MaryCone1

    I know I’m in The minority…

    But I could never have a breaded anything in a sandwich Made of more bread.

    A quick route to obesity.

  11. Presoiledhalfprice

    I personally like Chica’s more, but that’s a good looking sandwich.

  12. TheHotSpitta

    I comment on this often lol but I really really love Porchetta & Cos OG Fried Chicken Sandwich. The bun, franks sauce and chicken quality are unreal.

  13. GiantAngryJellyfish

    Chica’s. PGs is good, but their buns arent great.

  14. Known-Marketing-2233

    The have consistency issues! I’ve had some of the best and absolutely worst chicken sammies from PG Clucks. 3 inedible sandwiches is when I said never again. It was small pieces of meat on the outside(still decent presentation) held together by breaded tissues(chewy) and fat in the middle of the sandwich.

  15. groundphoenixhogday

    breaded ‘anything’ served on bread is just unnecessary

  16. Informal-Flamingo336

    Dog- “you aren’t going to eat that whole sandwich yourself are ya?”

  17. lilredditkitty

    TIL a lot about fried chicken in the city. Thanks! Also, be careful, looks like someone is eyeing up your sammich!

  18. CadmeusCain

    PG Clucks is amazing but I gotta go with Chen Chen’s Nashville Hot Chicken!

  19. hoggieberra

    Love chix had a sensational fried chicken sandwich. I think they closed or moved tho

  20. KingKopaTroopa

    I must have been unlucky the one time I went.. there was barely and chicken, it’s was all batter and sauce. I actually shockingly struggled to finish it.

  21. Tiny-Ad2036

    Give the dawg a lil piece of ur burger 😭

  22. Used_Length_830

    Head east toronto. Find a lil place called Chica’s Chicken.

    Place is a little rough but it’s got a genuine charm, and their chicken sandwiches…. *BY ODINS FADE* their chicken sandwiches….

  23. sunsoutgunsout33

    I just ordered this because if this picture. It did not disappoint thank you.

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