£250 for a room and this is what you get for breakfast.

by Paulstan67


  1. CatFoodBeerAndGlue

    Wow. Did they run out of everything else or is that literally what they serve?

  2. CourageTraditional63

    Is that hash brown wearing lingerie?

  3. No-Village7980

    Did they serve it on the floor next to the table with a bowl of water 🐕

  4. DifficultySalt4231

    I’d rather not eat that and I’m hangry.

  5. Bigwillyandthetwins

    Hilarious 😂😂 made me laugh I hope you can go back for seconds

  6. RedHillian

    Not wonderful as kids portions go, but I’ve seen worse.

    What was the adult portion like?

  7. Creative-Aardvark558

    That thing looks like Dresden after the RAF paid a visit.

  8. Puss-Kat

    Piss poor effort. However, based on the mushroom to protein ratio it still scores 4/10.

  9. Poppycorn144

    Did they serve you half a rasher of bacon or have you already eaten some?

  10. V65Pilot

    If I’m paying £250 for a room for the night, it better come with some *ahem* entertainment.

  11. brit_motown

    Looks like what I would put on my side plate for the dog

  12. Fresh-Honeydew7104

    I guess most people aren’t that hungry after doing the half gram of cocaine that’s artfully smeared over the plate. Beans and runny eggs aren’t practical with that sort of breakfast so it all makes sense to be honest.

  13. CheesyApricot

    This could be the worst I’ve seen on this sub. I’m sorry for your loss.

  14. xPositor

    You really have been fleeced at Ruleholme…

  15. Common-Leg7605

    That’s a shitty breakfast for the money you paid

  16. Annayume

    That mushroom looks like a burnt Yorkshire pudding.

    0/10, would be demanding a refund.

  17. gameoflols

    Jesus that’s an abomination. Not only to fry ups but to food in general!! What the hell is the black thing?!

  18. ChungusAmongUs13

    The chef ate most of it and gave you the bits he or she didn’t like.

  19. HenryFromYorkshire

    I haven’t been in prison, but I feel that would provide a better breakfast than this!

  20. graycircles

    I genuinely think I’d fling that across the room

  21. TheImplication696969

    Ok so this photo should be posted on whatever website this hotel has, that is disgraceful.

  22. ruinedbyconversation

    This looks like you asked for a fry up somewhere posh and they’ve made it with reluctantly with disgust

  23. Corvideous

    That is pathetic and they should feel bad serving it to you. You could get better than that for a tenner in any good caff in the UK or Ireland.

  24. For 250 they don’t have breakfast buffets ?

  25. goodygoodlife

    Wow did you do something to offend them before they served that to you? Shockingly bad!

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