I want to open a tea house in the United States and need a good milk steamer. It would only be used really for matcha and chai lattes as we will not have coffee products. Because of this, it probably won’t need to be SUPER high-end. I just want something that can handle a low-medium workload and for it to be affordable (not over $1,000).

I really like this [https://www.dualit.com/products/cino](https://www.dualit.com/products/cino) but just wanted to know if there were any other comparable options out there that I’m missing!

by [deleted]


  1. ThatDeafDude

    One thing that conflicts me searching for recommendations… you want a “good” steamer, but there’s not many budget options for a commercial level steamer. Commercial usually comes with a bigger price tag.

    So… I’m going to recommend the only 2 commercial steamers that I know, good luck!



  2. ctrl-all-alts

    Check the restaurant supply stores:


    There will be two main designs:

    Huge boiler/pressure vessel



    Thermoblock will get you continuous steaming, but think about water hardness and descaling. If the Thermoblock is uncoated aluminum, then you’ll have a bad time with commercial use due to build up and having to use descalers which may/may not corrode the block over a long time.

    For the huge boiler type, make sure it has a separate water reservoir and pump to fill it, otherwise you will have long breaks in service, waiting for the temp to come down and pressure to relieve to refill.

    Third thing is to check whether it has a plumb-in capability. Otherwise, once it runs dry, you will have to pour in water to refill the reservoir.

    All said, in Hong Kong, a lot of stores I saw used the WPM 130, but it may not be supplied in the US. Also, water is really soft in HK, so there’s that too

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