Day 911 of posting images of cheese until I run out of cheese types: Provolone Valpadana

by verysuspiciousduck


  1. verysuspiciousduck

    I’m using stock images but I am always on the lookout for new cheeses to try whenever I go to the store. Credit to “Taste Atlas” for the cheese image and cheese facts. If any of you know some cheeses that I haven’t done yet I would love some input!

    Here is your daily cheese facts: The origins of Provolone Valpadana date back to the early 1800s and the Unification of Italy, when people from the South started migrating towards the Po Valley and brought the tradition of dairy cattle farming and the technique for stretched-curd cheese production with them. Provolone Valpadana is nowadays produced all across Northern Italy; it is made with whole cow’s milk and available in two varieties, Dolce (sweet) and Piccante (piquant), both of which can be Affumicato (smoked). Aged for 2-3 months, Provolone Dolce has a delicate flavor and goes well with young, fruity wines, while Provolone Piccante is matured for at least 4 months and paired with aged, red wines, since it has a much sharper, tangy flavor. Both varieties are extremely versatile and often enjoyed breaded and fried, grilled, or served with Mostarda di Cremona, a Northern Italian condiment made of different fruits preserved in a mustard seed flavored syrup.

    Also as a note: I post my daily cheese here as well as in my r/dailycheese subreddit.

  2. kaasbaas94

    They look like if they grow on trees and that you have to peel them first.

  3. SatoNato

    Missed the opportunity of sharing a smoked cheese like smoked Gruyère, smoked Gouda

  4. holy shit you’re still going. I remember seeing your posts like 2 years ago when i was more active on reddit and wow. I wonder how many there are

  5. UnderstandingCheese

    Love this. Would love to see a year in review slideshow.

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