My muffins tried to escape their wrappers. I didn’t overfill them and my oven is perfectly level. Never had this before with this recipe. Any idea what might have happened?

by philosofik


  1. malepitt

    Is it a convection oven, and were all the shmoos pointing the same way? Just curious

  2. Weird-Funny-2643

    Can you verify that your oven temperature is correct with a thermometer? Or is it possible you accidentally added too much leavener?

  3. SaphronMarigold

    did you tap them? probably some air bubbles

  4. patientgardene

    You have to frost them green to look like flubber now

  5. Something similar happened to me when I used a rather old baking powder/baking soda that I found in the cupboard.

  6. pistolpxte

    I’ve had this happen and it was weirdly with PB muffins too! I think it was the hot spot in my gas oven? But they all ended up with little vestigial biceps growing out of them haha

  7. It looks like it tried to grow legs and walk away 😭

  8. friendo_adventure

    If all the peaks were facing the same direction, it could be a hot spot in the oven. Happens to larger cakes that come out ‘deflated’

  9. MutedLandscape4648

    Obviously some alien entity entered the batter prior to it being put in the muffin tin and once it realized it was baking to death tried, and failed, to escape.

  10. MeasurementPuzzled89

    Did you open the oven doors a couple times?

  11. NeededaUserHereItIs

    Now how’d you manage this?

  12. NationalSafe4589

    Cut the tops off and make butterfly cakes 🙂

  13. strikingsapphire

    Your top is setting before the rise. Could be that your oven is too hot. Try dropping the baking temp or moving the baking tray down a rack so it’s further away from the heating element.

    FYI, my old oven did this to me a few times. I started leaving an oven thermometer inside and discovered it was sometimes 40-50 F off the set temperature. Oven internal thermostat just needed to be recalibrated.

  14. Junoesque18

    Did you mix your baking powder into the dry ingredients super well? Since you don’t have a fan/convection oven, I’m wondering if there were pockets of baking powder instead of it being evenly distributed or something.

  15. FeralRodeo

    It looks like maybe they formed a skin on top so that when they rose, they had to break through the skin. Were they poured and left out or refrigerated for a bit before you baked them?

  16. Seth_cloak

    Looks like they crusted over before they rose. You can see they have a lid of crust, then the dough lifted the lid and rose sideways out of the cast. Was the air really dry and was there a long intheval before you put them in the oven? Or was the oven too warm when you inserted? You can avoid it by breaking the surface right before you insert into oven. Maybe cut it like a loaf.

  17. Mariott-Bunbury

    They are possessed
    Try using water blessed by a priest, rabbi, shaman or local crazy man next time you try to bake.

  18. Catsandscotch

    It’s because you didn’t make muffins, you made geoducks.

  19. woahwoaheasytiger

    Don’t worry, this just means the muffins are lucky!

  20. xXJust_BrowsingXx

    This reminds me of when ice cubes get those random spikes. Like the top of the water freezes, then the water underneath shoots out and freezes in that shape. Maybe there was a weird heat fluctuation, and the batter underneath the baked top part oozed out?

  21. caecilianworm

    These all look like the top was somewhat set and the batter continued to rise and exploded out at a weak point. It’s kind of like when a loaf cake has that split in the middle. This happened to me once when I was being lazy and filled every rack in the oven with cupcakes, and the ones on the top rack were so close to the heating element that the top set and the rest of the uncooked batter underneath them had to escape somehow. Try making them on a lower rack or set the oven to a setting where only the bottom heating element is on.

    It could also be that there was just too much leavening, or it was the wrong kind. Is it possible that there was a mishap and your daughter used a tablespoon instead of a teaspoon? Or maybe baking soda instead of baking powder?

  22. KrispyKritters1

    But if I want mine to look like that, how do I do this? I think these are awesome for kids.

  23. pegpeterson

    The fuq?? That is freaky looking! Lmao

  24. Casshew111

    I had this recently, but only 2 tried to escape and in different directions… the other 10 were okay! lol

  25. PerplexedPoppy

    I’d make little eyes on them. They’re kinda cute lol.

  26. Dizzy_Emotion7381

    I had to click on this because uummmm 👀. But I’ve learned a few things from the comments, so win/win!! I would frost them and add candy eyes to them.

  27. Are you using a Conventional oven or a Convectional (one with a fan that helps heat)? I get this a lot at work the convection oven’s fans will blow the batter off the top.

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