I have asked a few people I know and gotten multiple different answers so I’m hoping maybe someone here can give me a better idea. This popped up next to my fence randomly and I need some help identifying it. Nothing was planted there, it’s not near our flowers or garden, and we have never planted anything that looks like it before. The vine is very sticky and prickly if that helps anyone. I have my assumptions on what it might be but I’ll see if that matches what anyone says.

by htownhunter


  1. R0hanisaurusRex

    More than likely a squash. Love me some squash blossoms.

  2. TenspeedGV

    It’s a squash, but we won’t know what kind until it produces fruit.

    Even then we may not be able to identify it easily, since squash cross-pollinates and hybridizes very easily.

  3. Abject_Pace_8397

    Looks like a cucumber plant to me

  4. allaboutmojitos

    How wide is that flower? Hard to tell scale. Squash or pumpkin of some sort

  5. grandcoulee1955

    The blossoms can be stuffed, battered, and fried. So just because you don’t know what kind of a fruit it might produce, you could still make some use out of it.

  6. KayetLavate

    Squash of some sort, most likely. We thought ours was a spaghetti squash when it gave us a fruit, but then it was watermelon and right now we’re pretty sure pumpkin. Could also be a cucumber

  7. Hey-im-kpuff

    Look for a female flower and take a photo of the baby fruit attached to the flower!

  8. Shenloanne

    Definitely cucurbit, but no clue what type. I’d wing it with squash rather than marrow or cucumber tho.

  9. mrsmushroom

    Could be a pumpkin. It looks like you won’t know until you see fruit.

  10. Shenloanne

    Find a female flower that’s how you’ll know.

  11. OneHumanPeOple

    This is in the pumpkin/squash family. Female flowers will have a mini fruit at the base. Tickle it with pollen from the male flower and that mini fruit will grow. If it’s not pollinated it will rot.

  12. socalbudz90

    most likely poision ivy, crush leaves and use as a salve. helps against sunburns

  13. Catch_0x16

    That looks remarkably like my pumpkin plant! A squash of some sort for sure.

  14. Head_Tower_3867

    Ah, the mysterious world of squash. A delicious enigma!

  15. ScarletAutumn_xo

    Definitely a squash of some kind. Many people are saying cucumber but cukes’ flowers are smaller.

  16. Pitiful-Passage-685

    Looks like my pumpkin plants.

  17. MythosaurProject-S53

    This is a squash of some sort. Pumpkin, zucchini (probably), yellow squash, gourd, whatever. It is a squash, and will do squash things if you let it continue growing. I don’t really know how to tell the difference between them once they are growing, but before they start to produce small fruits. I only know what I’ve planted, and if I forget, it’s up to nature to tell me once I’m harvesting zucchini or yellow squash or gourds. Hopefully zucchini. Because that means chocolate zucchini bread. XD

  18. Designer-Possible269

    Don’t worry, even the squash can’t decide what kind it wants to be!

  19. pedalikwac

    Looks more like a cucumber or a melon than a squash to me.

    Can you get a picture of more of the flowers? Unopened or not.

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