What rarity would you call this?

by ScaredQuote5263


  1. ocdewitt

    That’s a medium rare steak turning quickly to medium

  2. Dangerous_Elk_6627


    Rarity is in the eye of the beholder.

  3. The_OtherGuy_99

    Fairly common, you can find those in most stores.

  4. doctorjinxmd

    The sear looks like an English muffin

  5. Weatherman_Accuracy

    Buy a thermometer, need for posting gone.

  6. AMDeez_nutz

    This sub just loves creating more content for r/nosear

  7. phlavehay

    Medium. Medium rare would have slightly darker/raw middle

  8. camehereforthebuds

    This sub doesn’t know how to cut at a bias. Cut against the grain. It will make everything better. No offense to OP.

  9. haroonahmad

    That actually looks pretty good even with a lack of a crust

  10. entechad

    Medium rare.

    Next time dry the surface of the meat with a paper towel. Make sure you are using a thick steel pan, either cast or stainless.

    Start with a hot pan, add the oil, when it starts to smoke, add the dry steak. Leave it alone for at least 2 minutes, then flip, do the same. If you want more sear, just keep flipping until it’s perfect. Use both sides of the pan so the pan is always hot.

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