Not bad for cooking in a hotel room

by projecthelios92


  1. I’m fasting today so that looks extra glorious!

  2. TastelessAlien

    Can’t kill Nids on an empty stomach.

    Looks delicious!

  3. Mwatts25

    A nice ny strip with toast and what looks like pan seared green beans with mushrooms, paired with a nice beer and a box of minis, sounds like an awesome night

  4. Working_Chipmunk_666

    I don’t get it where is your chicken and coffee pot? Also no linked in post on how much money you’re saving your company? Fake

  5. eyeguess0422

    I bring 500 pts of necrons with me on trips just in case

  6. Squeeky_sneakers

    What about a steak knife? I imagine a strip being difficult to cut with a butter knife.

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