I received and grew what I thought were “Reaper Sbagliato Red”. What’s in my hand don’t resemble what is pictured on line. They start off deep purple and turn light with a hint of purple.

by Hereforpeppers


  1. grizlena

    Looks like a purple Bhut J or maybe even a peach gum tiger pepper.

  2. AllforBreadandCircus

    I have some Pink Tiger that I’m growing. I haven’t gotten any pods yet, but they look similar to a lot of photos I’ve seen. Maybe this one was picked a little too soon? You’re leaves do look a tad less deep green though.

    [Pink Tiger Plant](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1098890400/)

  3. LiteratureLong8920

    This is the faafo pepper variation. Common reactions are pain, heat and sometimes death but other common reactions include and not limited to joy, love and sometimes even a confusing erection.
    That being said the fuck around and find out pepper variations are very popular

  4. rubytwou

    Funny, it looks battered and deep fried

  5. babaganoush_84

    Seconds pic looks exactly like a Pink Tiger x Sugar Rush Peach I’m growing

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