Learn how to make a Beef, Bean & Beer Chili Recipe! Visit http://foodwishes.blogspot.com/2015/06/beef-bean-and-beer-chili-what-great-way.html for the ingredients, more information, and many, many more video recipes. I hope you enjoy these easy Beef, Bean & Beer Chili!


  1. Nice recipe, thanks. Cocoa powder's a good idea, must get some. My own recipe calls for a banana to be chopped in 10-15 minutes before the end: it eventually dissolves into the sauce. I like the extra sweetness it gives, a bit like fruit in a curry.

  2. Thank you for creating a chili recipe from scratch that isn't complicated. You have all my respect.

  3. Have made this with Corona (Mexican) beer, which I find rather "bitter". Pablano chiles . . . who would have thought?? Excellent idea!! And what's not to love about CUMIN?? "I'm the Big Willy of my Chili" (too funny)!!

  4. No beans in chile, I am sorry. if you add beans in chile (where it originated) in Texas, you risk your life.

  5. YOU SHOULD TRY MIXING YOUR BEEF WITH1/2 PER LB. TEASPOON OF BAKING SODA DISSOLVED IN A LITTLE WATER AND SALT. IT HELPS WITH THE LIQUID AND BROWNING OF THE BEEF . the high pH of the baking soda prevents the proteins in the beef from bonding. These strong bonds are what forces moisture out of the beef and leaves you with a pool of water in the pan, so by keeping these bonds from happening, you’re going to see way less moisture while you’re cooking.

  6. I was with you right up to … canned beans? I'm going to have to adapt this to use dry beans, but it certainly sounds good. I like the idea of adding the cocoa powder and cinnamon to give it more authentic south-of-the-border flavour.

  7. why is ther always some wierd ingrediant like Coco? can't some one just make a simple chili? Oh and green bell makes everythng bad, use pablano.

  8. 12/2/22: This looks wonderful, but what, no shredded cheese? You've gotta have the cheese on chili.

  9. Ahhh, But Chef John, all corn is, is giant grass, and it make beef taste so darn good. At least the Texans don't seem to be whining yet….

  10. Lol the cow comment in the beginning 😂 I mean, why feed them anything else, help us come to our senses, Lord.

  11. My family had a farm in central Illinois since 1860. The town had a small meat processing plant and all the meat came from farmers around. Those cows grazed on alfafa in the fields, but I would say most of the farmers also fed those cows CORN! That meat was deliicious! Much more tasty than most of the meat today in stores. The corn gave more fat. Wagu beef cows are fed saki and rice, and massaged. They are not fed Grass! All this grass fed came in reaction against eating animal fat, I guess. But cut your carbs more for health.

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