Hello! I recently planted a garden in my backyard I. San Francisco, CA about a month ago. Over the last few days several plants are now covered with holes in the leaves (mint, sage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, marjoram, cauliflower, basil). There are little green caterpillar-like bugs on some of the leaves (see photos) that might be the culprit. Anyone have any tips about what these are? How to treat (in the most natural and effective way possible)?
by mcmurph1111
Everything looks great! Not bad for your first try. You can spray the little green worms with bt. You can buy it concentrated or in ready to use at any garden center. It’s natural in that it’s a live bacteria harmless to people but toxic to caterpillars. Good luck!
Looks like a cabbage looper to me.
Looks like a job for Captain Jacks Dead Bug Brew
You planted mint?
BT spray. Bacillus thurengensis. You can buy it at box stores most of the time. Amazon for sure. That takes care of all my worm friends
Those little green caterpillars, worms or caterpillars? those are what are eating your crop.
BT spray