Found this recipe on YouTube

by Maddybreanne


  1. Effective_Roof2026

    Looks delicious, lemon and pepper are always profound together 🙂

    Feedback since you have the newbie tag. A good way to build MD plates is using plate quarters method. 1/4 plate lean meat (about 3oz chicken there so spot on portion), 1/4 grain or starchy vegetable (1/2 cup portion, again looks like you are spot on) and 1/2 (2 portions, or more) veg.

    Veg you want to go for as much variety as you can so you get a mix of different nutrients. Where a vegetable has different colors go for reds/purples/blues over yellows or greens, in nearly all cases they have better nutrition and will have special phytonutrients that give them those colors. It’s actually not more expensive/complicated to buy variety either, you just get smaller quantities of each but higher variety.

    Also whenever a recipe calls for potatoes try and sub in sweets instead. Sweet potatoes (even if they are not purple) are one of the healthiest veggies you can eat 🙂

  2. Many_Ad955

    Looks delicious! What is the vegetable – is it yellow squash? PS if you can stand it, you should preferably remove the skin from the chicken before cooking

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