Café Made my first batch of green coffee on the weekend. Unroasted coffee beans, blade grinder, drip machine. It brewed to a green tea colour and I really liked it. I left the remainders overnight and the colour continued to change to a bright green and now almost blue colour. Any ideas what is going on? December 5, 2023
Café Why My coconut creamer gets destroyed when I make coffee from a Keurig vs when I make it with a paper filter December 5, 2023
Café I made a coffee scoop today. I am a blacksmith and I needed to not use a plastic scoop. Iron forged handle, forged copper scoop, with a tinned interior. December 4, 2023
Café How much coffee do you have during the day? I am curious because I have like 5-6 and friends tell me it’s too much. What is a normal (healthy) amount of coffee during the day? December 3, 2023
Café Zlatna Džezva in the middle of Texas. Can Turkish/Bosnian style coffee be made from American brands like Foldgers? December 2, 2023